Christian Devotion

Day Seven: Overcoming Anxiety

Day Seven: Overcoming Anxiety

Mixing a lack of faith in God's sovereignty with excessive self-reliance creates a life of unrest and anxiety. Trusting in God's plan and reducing our self-dependence is critical to finding peace and living our Kingdom purpose.

Day Five: The Transforming Power of Kingdom Prayers 

Day Five: The Transforming Power of Kingdom Prayers 

Living the Kingdom Prayer: Kingdom prayers go beyond words; they are a dynamic commitment to embodying the values of God’s Kingdom in our daily walk. By praying "Your kingdom come," we pledge to be co-laborers with Christ, actively working to manifest the reality of His reign in our everyday lives and interactions.

Day Three: The Greatest Obstacle in Kingdom Living

Day Three: The Greatest Obstacle in Kingdom Living

The greatest struggle for most Christians in seeking first the Kingdom of God isn't sin, apathy, or lack of motivation—it’s disordered loves. It's not that we love the wrong things, but the right things in the wrong order. 

Day Two: How to Live Your Kingdom Purpose

Day Two: How to Live Your Kingdom Purpose

Your Kingdom purpose isn't about a destination; it’s about a direction. As you align your soul with Christ, every step you take is towards fulfilling your Kingdom purpose in this generation.

Day One: What is the Kingdom of God? 

Day One: What is the Kingdom of God? 

Explore the profound essence of the Kingdom of God, prioritizing its pursuit, acknowledging Jesus as the sovereign King, and embracing radical transformation for enduring joy, love, and peace in the Holy Spirit.

The Mystery of Kingdom Contentment

The Mystery of Kingdom Contentment

This isn't about self-help or finding the perfect balance; it's about discovering a mystery that Paul who was chained in a prison cell could proclaim with confidence—the mystery of Kingdom contentment.

Keeping Your Commitments to God

Keeping Your Commitments to God

There is a familiar rhythm to how humans pursue self-discipline only to be wooed back by the allure of comfort and ease.

God’s Conviction is a Good Thing

God’s Conviction is a Good Thing

Guilt and conviction are two very different things. Guilt is the currency of the world, the flesh, and the devil, and it has the purpose of destroying you. Conviction on the other hand, is the currency of the Kingdom of God, which is intended to lead you to repentance, restoration, and Kingdom joy.

Trusting the Invisible Hand of God

Trusting the Invisible Hand of God

Consider this: faith is not a passive, meek acceptance of a distant fairy tale but rather an active war against the skepticism of our age. It is a choice to stand firm on the rock of Jesus Christ when the world around us is full of shifting sands.

Too Blessed to See God (Part Three)

Too Blessed to See God (Part Three)

Has God ever turned your awful place into an awesome place? That’s His specialty—taking what looks hopeless and impossible and making it a point of transformation. Maybe you're in a hard spot today. Take hope; as Jacob said, “the LORD is in this place”. 

Too Blessed to See God (Part Two)

Too Blessed to See God (Part Two)

In our culture, desperation is rarely sought after. But in the Kingdom of God, desperation can be a driving force that pushes us to pursue God's Kingdom purposes.



Beware; the devil wants you to be busy. He's good with you being busy with religious activity. That's right, the devil has no problem with you being busy with religious stuff, even church stuff, just as long as you're too busy to commune with God.

 Hangry Man-babies

 Hangry Man-babies

We look at the challenges of overcoming our fleshly desires and focusing on God's provision and plan for our lives, offering practical advice for developing gratitude, grit, and Christ-likeness.