At The Bridge Fellowship, we come alongside parents to support their calling to disciple their children. We believe that showing children God’s unconditional love, while teaching and training them in God's perfect Word, is the most productive path as we help children know and grow as followers of Jesus. We strive to have a safe and fun environment for them to learn and practice the beginning principles of being a devoted follower of Jesus, for their good and God's glory.
If you have questions or need more information email Thank you!
Interim Kids Director: Hannah Hemby
Summer Camp
This year we will be returning to Pineywoods for Summer Camp, where we will attend Camp Session 2. Please see the information below to register!
More information on Pineywoods’ 2025 Summer Camp -
Scan the QR code to register!
Summer Camp 2024 Recap Video
Volunteer Resources
Thank you for pouring into the lives of these children!
Matthew 19:14
Resources for Parents
Reading recommendations, parental guides, and further developing your child’s faith.
Book recommendations
“Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God” - Marty Machowski
“The 5 Love Languages of Children” - Gary Chapman, Ross Campbell
Connect With Us
Remind App Instructions:
See “Our Classes” for information about Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for kids!
Just for Kids
Links to child-safe videos that enhance our lessons from church
Younger Kids (K-2nd)
Older Kids (3rd-5th)
Schedule + MISC
Information for Sunday morning and Wednesday nights,…and events
Sunday Morning Routine
Corporate praise and worship begins at 10AM, following a large group Bible lesson time. Kids will then go to grade level small groups immediately following large group lesson time for an activity application.
Wednesday Night Routine (Aug-May)
Parents drop off at 5:50pm for dinner - (Park and bring your kids in! We’d love to meet you!!)
Children dismissed to classes at 6:30pm
Parents pick-up at 7:30pm
Class Descriptions
Nursery/Childcare = Babies-3 yrs old
PreK/Kindergarten = 4-5 yrs old
Younger Kids = 1s -3rd grade
Older Kids = 4th-5th grade