
David Yarbrough

Psalm 80:19 

O Lord God, invincible warrior, restore us! Smile on us! Then we will be delivered!

How would you like to be revitalized today? 

Sounds good, doesn't it?

Spiritual, mental, and relational exhaustion are not a result of Kingdom living. God has set up parameters for Kingdom living to protect you from yourself. And one of these is to take a day to focus on worship and rest. 

"Rest"—it appears that some people regard that word as a curse word in our fast-paced, consumer-driven culture. "I don't have time to rest because I'm always on the go." Busyness can be a source of pride for some people. We interpret "busy" to mean valuable, necessary, and even spiritual.

But beware; the devil wants you to be busy. He's good with you being busy with religious activity. That's right, the devil has no problem with you being busy with religious stuff, even church stuff, just as long as you're too busy to commune with God. Religious church activity can destroy your spiritual life if you're too busy serving outside your Kingdom purpose. This is how you experience burnout. 

The health benefits of rest are numerous and well documented. Rest can boost immunity, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and aid in emotional regulation. It can also improve cognitive function, creativity, and productivity, as well as physical performance. Taking time to recharge is essential for families who are constantly juggling work, school, and other commitments in order to avoid burnout and maintain overall well-being.

There are deep theological implications for rest. The Bible teaches that rest is a spiritual discipline as well as a physical requirement. God's Sabbath rest in Genesis 2:2–3 and the Fourth Commandment's instruction to His people to do the same in Exodus 20:8–11 both portray rest as a blessing from God and an indication of His concern for His people. Rest is a Kingdom principle given by the King for the well-being of all those living in His domain. So if you live in the Kingdom of God, the expectation of your King is that you will make time to rest, worship, and rejuvenate. 

Christians are called to follow Jesus' example of rest and trust in His provision for our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Jesus invites us to find rest for our souls in Him (Matthew 11:28–30). This rest is not intended to only be a temporary escape from life's demands but a time of deep reflection, worship, and gratitude for all God has done, is doing, and will do. 

Rest is a crucial yet often undervalued aspect of life that can bring countless benefits to every aspect of your life. 

You need rest, 

                         you need worship,

                                                          and you need to be revitalized. 

And this is God's desire for you as you live in His Kingdom. The journey through the wilderness of this world can be a rough struggle bus ride. Rest and worship will move you to the front, where the ride is smoother and the view is better.  Will you get up today and move to the front of the bus? Go ahead, take that seat right there—the one called “Revitalized”. 


Heavenly Father, we come before You asking you to infuse our lives with new life and vitality. Grant us the wisdom to prioritize rest and worship in our busy lives as we strive to align our hearts with Your Kingdom purposes. May we embrace the revitalizing power of Your love, experiencing the profound peace and renewal that can only be found in Your Kingdom. Amen.

Life Application Points:

1. Prioritize rest and worship: Recognize the importance of rest and worship in your daily life. Make a conscious effort to set aside time for these activities, even amidst a busy schedule, in order to maintain balance and spiritual health.

2. Trust in God's provision: Remember that God is the ultimate source of strength and sustenance. Trust in His plan for your life, knowing that He will provide for your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs as you walk in alignment with His purpose.

3. Reflect on your Kingdom purpose: Take time to prayerfully consider your unique role in God's Kingdom. Identify the activities and responsibilities that align with your purpose, and be intentional about investing your time and energy in these areas, rather than becoming overwhelmed by busyness.

4. Set boundaries with technology and distractions: Be mindful of the impact that constant connectivity and social media can have on your rest and focus. Set boundaries to ensure that you are using technology wisely and not allowing it to detract from your relationship with God and your Kingdom purpose.