Grinding out Gratitude

David Yarbrough

Colossians 3:16 (CSB)

Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

If you consider yourself a follower of Christ, you must practice the virtue of gratitude. You must work hard at being grateful every day. Here's an idea: make a list of everything for which you are grateful and thank God in a heartfelt prayer every day. As stated in Colossians 3:2 (CSB), "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Doing this will help you focus on things above. For me, this has completely changed the game. It's like waking up every day to an injection of happiness, calmness, and contentment. It's like getting a daily B12 shot for your soul. Your general well-being and mental health will be greatly impacted by beginning each day with encouraging thoughts and encouragement about who you are in Christ. It sets the tone for the remainder of the day and enables you to approach difficulties with a Kingdom mindset.

However, keep in mind that it's not just for days when you're feeling particularly grateful. This is why the term "grind" is used. It's actually more important to practice gratitude on days when you don't feel like it. Because that's when you really need that B12 shot for your soul. It requires daily dedication. Otherwise, bitterness and complaining will creep in like unwelcome houseguests because of that troublesome "flesh" or sin nature you have stirring around in your heart.

Many people know that practicing gratitude has a lot of benefits, such as improving your mental and emotional health, making your relationships stronger, and making you happier overall. But many people find it hard to develop a regular gratitude practice because they don't have enough time, can't focus on the good, feel fake or inauthentic, forget, or aren't consistent. 

Overcoming Lack of Time:

One of the biggest things that keeps people from practicing gratitude is the idea that they don't have enough time. But showing gratitude every day doesn't have to be hard or take a lot of time. Starting your day with a grateful attitude can be as simple as waking up early and reviewing your list of blessings. The time commitment for this practice is minimal, but the positive effects will be felt throughout the day.

Developing Authentic Gratitude:

Some people find it difficult to express gratitude because they worry about coming off as insincere or fake. Gratitude is a skill that can be developed, so this is something you can work on. As you continue to practice gratitude every morning, you'll find that your appreciation for the things in your life becomes more genuine and heartfelt.

Addressing Forgetfulness and Inconsistency:

Keeping a grateful attitude can be hard if you forget to show gratitude or if you have trouble being consistent. To fight this, make your gratitude practice part of your morning routine. By making it a part of your daily routine, you'll be less likely to forget, and the consistency will help solidify your gratitude habit.


The benefits of practicing gratitude are much greater than any problems that might come up at first. By forcing yourself to practice gratitude first thing in the morning, you can overcome challenges like a lack of time, trouble focusing on the positive, feelings of insincerity or inconsistency, and a tendency to forget or skip days. With time and practice, your attitude of gratitude will get stronger and have a big effect on your overall well-being, so it's a good habit to form.


Heavenly Father, we come to You with grateful hearts, asking for the strength and wisdom to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives. Help us to appreciate and enjoy the many blessings You bestow on us, and to express our gratitude through worship, prayer, and service to others. Help us, by Your grace, to become a living testimony of Your love and mercy, changing not only our hearts but the world as well. Amen.

Life Application Points: 

  1. Keep a gratitude journal: Spend a few minutes each day listing all the small and large benefits you have received. You can maintain focus on the good things of life and develop an attitude of gratitude by thinking back on these experiences.

  2. Pray with thanksgiving: Include thanksgiving in your regular prayers by praising God for particular favors and provisions. Your connection with God will be strengthened and your gratitude will be sustained as a result of your deliberate concentration on appreciation.