40 Days of Seeking First the Kingdom of God
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Daily Insight:
Mixing a lack of faith in God's sovereignty with excessive self-reliance creates a life of unrest and anxiety. Trusting in God's plan and reducing our self-dependence is critical to finding peace and living our Kingdom purpose.
Isaiah 26:3 (CSB)
"You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you."
The Recipe for Restlessness
Imagine walking into a kitchen to whip up a meal. You've got two primary ingredients on the counter: a lack of faith in God's sovereignty and an overabundance of self-reliance. Mixing these together, you might think you're creating something nourishing, but in reality, you're concocting a recipe for anxiety.
Lack of faith in God's sovereignty is like leaving the most crucial ingredient out of a dish. It's like trying to bake bread without yeast; no matter how well you mix the other ingredients, the bread won't rise. Similarly, when we leave out our trust in God's control and perfect plan, our lives remain flat and unfulfilled, lacking the rise of peace and contentment.
On the other side, adding too much self-reliance is like over-salting a meal. Just a pinch of confidence and initiative can be good, but it becomes unpalatable when self-reliance overwhelms the mix. It leads to a life dominated by worry and stress as we try to control every aspect of our lives, only to find it impossible.
Together, these ingredients create a dish that's unpalatable and downright harmful. It's a concoction that leaves us feeling uneasy and unsettled, constantly questioning our next step and worrying about the future.
Balancing the Ingredients of Trust and Reliance
Matthew 6:33 (CSB): But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
Achieving the Right Mix
Once we understand that our homemade recipe is flawed, the next step is learning how to balance the ingredients correctly. It's about adjusting the measures, ensuring each element complements rather than overwhelms the other.
Cultivating Trust in God's Sovereignty
Psalm 9:10 (CSB): Those who know your name trust in you because you have not abandoned those who seek you, Lord."
To foster a deeper trust in God's sovereignty, we must first invest in understanding who God is. Learning about God's attributes through Bible study is like gathering the essential ingredients for a nourishing meal. As we delve into Scripture, we discover facets of God's character: His omnipotence, omniscience, faithfulness, and unending love. Each attribute we discover adds depth and richness to our understanding of God, similar to how flour provides substance to a cake.
Engaging in Active Trust
Trust in God's sovereignty isn't merely an intellectual acknowledgment; it's an active engagement with His truths. It's about applying the knowledge we gain from Scripture to our daily lives. Understanding that God is in control, that His plans are always for our good and His glory changes how we respond to life's uncertainties. Trust becomes the foundational ingredient of our faith, giving it form and strength.
Integrating Trust through Experience
As we walk with God, applying His truths, we gain experiential knowledge that reinforces our trust. It's similar to a chef who becomes more skilled with each dish he prepares. Our life experiences, when viewed through the lens of Scripture, become a practical workshop where our trust in God's sovereignty is tested and strengthened.
Keep Everything Stirred with Prayer
Philippians 4:6 (CSB): Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Prayer is not just a spiritual discipline; it's a vital ingredient in the recipe of our faith life, especially in maintaining trust in God's sovereignty. Just as a chef continually stirs the ingredients to keep them properly mixed, we must keep everything stirred with prayer. Through prayer, the various elements of our faith—trust in God, understanding His character, and reliance on His strength—are kept in constant motion and adequately blended.
Praying About Everything
The Scripture in Philippians 4:6 encourages us to bring everything to God in prayer. This means that no aspect of our lives is too insignificant or too overwhelming to be laid before Him. Whether we face daily challenges or encounter life-changing decisions, each situation should be infused with prayer. In these moments of communion with God, we find our anxieties eased, our paths straightened, and our trust in His sovereignty reinforced.
Just as a chef doesn't stir a dish only once but continually throughout the cooking process, our prayer life should be continuous and consistent. Neglecting prayer is like leaving a pot unattended on the stove; the ingredients will not blend well, and the dish might even get spoiled. In the same way, when we neglect prayer, our faith can become stagnant, and our trust in God can start to wane. Regular, persistent prayer keeps our faith active and our belief in God vibrant.
The Result of a Well-Stirred Life of Faith
A well-stirred life of faith, constantly tended to through Scripture intake, life application and prayer, yields a life of spiritual richness and depth. It's through this ongoing dialogue with God that we remain aligned with His Kingdom purposes. We start to see circumstances not as obstacles but as opportunities for God to work in and through us. Consistent communion with God keeps our hearts tender towards Him, our minds focused on His sovereignty, and our spirits in tune with His leading.
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