Keeping Your Commitments to God

Psalm 37:5 (CSB)

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.

Have you ever found yourself declaring a resolution with the fire of a shooting star streaking across the New Year's Eve sky, only to have it fizzle out like a damp sparkler in the light of day? We all are familiar with that process. A better lifestyle of diet and exercise beckons on the first dawn of January and becomes a distant echo behind the closed doors of our comfort zone, where sweat is swapped for sweetness and iron weights are traded for silver spoons of ice cream.

There is a familiar rhythm to how humans pursue self-discipline only to be wooed back by the allure of comfort and ease. Consider the Israelites standing before a quaking Mount Sinai, where an entire nation echoed in unison, "All the words that the LORD has said we will do," as if their hearts and voices were tied together in a sacred symphony (Exodus 19:8, CSB). Their promise was made in the presence of a mountain wrapped in smoke, where lightning laced the sky, and the trumpet's blast heralded God's presence. But before the sound could fade, before the smoke could clear, they traded the glory of the invisible God for an idol, a god they could see, control, and manage—a golden calf glistening in the desert sun.

The Unfaithful Bungee Cord of Human Commitment

Proverbs 20:25 (CSB): It is a trap for anyone to dedicate something rashly and only later to reconsider his vows.

You know how a bungee cord gives you that thrilling free-fall but then yanks you back up? Human commitment to God is often like that—initial enthusiasm followed by the harsh snap of reality. Israel's wilderness journey showed they couldn't keep the covenant; they failed to keep their end of the bungee cord tight.

This issue isn't confined to a group of desert wanderers a few millennia ago; it's the reality of the human condition; as we see in Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Our commitments, even the most passionate, come with an in-built propensity to snap back in the face of temptation and retract when we should remain resolute.

Grace: God's Unbreakable Resilience 

Lamentations 3:22–23: Because of the Lord's faithful love, we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!

There is grace to be found in the acknowledgment of weakness, a grace that pulls us back not into defeat but into the arms of a loving God. This grace is the counterforce to our inconsistency, a divine assurance that when we're close to giving in to our double-minded tendencies, God is there, drawing us back to Him. In examining our fluctuating faith, let's remember that it's not the strength of our grip on the cord that saves us but the unyielding hold of God on our lives. He is the One who, in our moment of ultimate need, ensures that our free fall is secured by the safety of His grace and mercy.

In the Kingdom of God, our slips and stumbles are met with His mighty grace, reminding us that joy is not found in our performance but in our position as a child of the King. His providential care fills us with joy, sustaining us through every season, regardless of our circumstances.