What is Your Purpose in Life?

Philippians 1:6 (CSB)

I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Have you ever tried to define your purpose in life? As a follower of Jesus, your perception of the Kingdom of God here and now is directly connected to how you understand your purpose in life. You will realize your true identity as you grow in your understanding of what it means to be positioned in Christ Jesus. He is the One who created you and sustains every aspect of your life (Col. 1:17).

Waking up Empty

So let's back up and approach this from a different direction. When you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the ground, what are the thoughts and ambitions that are stirring your heart? Most people in this world are running on spiritual vapors—empty, hollow, and totally unaware of their Kingdom purpose. They have foolishly placed their identity in the temporary things of this world, which can be swept away in a heartbeat. Their career, relationships, skills, and social acceptance—these can all be good things, but they are all worldly and can evaporate and vanish in a moment (Matt. 6:19–21). Can you think of any worldly things you might be putting your trust in?

Do you ever struggle to keep track of everything, like you're spinning around on a hamster wheel at 100 miles per hour and not going anywhere (Eccl. 2:11)? If so, it might just be that you are finding your identity in the temporary things of this world. Glance back up at Philippians 1:6, and let's put it in the context of your calling and Kingdom purpose. Notice who Paul says is doing the work and is going to bring everything to completion. It's not you! It's the One who created you and gave you your identity and purpose.

When you seek to weave every aspect of your life into Christ Jesus, you're building your life on an indestructible foundation. This is a foundation that no circumstance in this world can impact. The economy can crash, relationships can fail, and people can disappoint, but God? He remains constant, consistent, and unchanging.

Changing Your Perspective

It's not your circumstances that rob you of your joy; rather, it’s the foundation upon which you are building your hope and identity. Consider what Paul says in Romans 8:37 (CSB), “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Paul flips the script on worldly notions of happiness and the meaning of life. He's helping us understand that we are not conquerors through our accomplishments, social status, or worldly wealth. We are conquerors through our position in Christ Jesus.

Take note that Paul is not saying that we're going to live a trouble-free life as we follow Jesus. He is making it clear that we will definitely face challenges, but in Christ, we will experience a victory that reaches beyond what we experience in this world. It's a victory that reaches all the way through eternity.

So when you find yourself in an ongoing crisis, when life is draining your joy, remind yourself of the foundation of your identity in Christ Jesus. Ask yourself: What is my life's purpose? Have I built it on the eternal truth of King Jesus or on the temporary, fading stuff of this world?

Cultivating God’s Grace

The message of Philippians 1:6 is profound: God, who created you and placed you in this particular time and space, has a reason for every tiny detail of everything that makes you who you are. He is the One who spun your life into existence (Ps. 139:13), and through His grace, He is holding it all together, and He will weave every aspect of your identity and calling into His eternal purpose (Rom. 8:28). Know this: as you seek first the Kingdom of God, His grace not only surrounds and sustains you but also propels you forward. So cultivate His grace in your heart and life through your habits of devotion, allowing your faith to develop deep roots in His unshakable Kingdom, where nothing in this world can sway you.