How Focused is Your Light?

Matthew 5:14–15 (CSB)

You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden.

No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house.

Have you ever considered the power of light? Think about all the different things light can do: it has the power to illuminate, expose, guide, and even bring healing. It’s one of God's most amazing creations, a physical phenomenon that has profound spiritual implications.

Your Kingdom Purpose: Be the Light

Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount that your Kingdom purpose is to be "the light of the world." This is one of the realities of being positioned in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:7). You should be so closely identified with Jesus that His light is transforming your life. And when that happens, His Kingdom light is going to shine in and through you (Jn. 8:12). 

So, let me ask you the million-dollar question: how focused is your light? Are you laser-focused in your commitment to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness? (Matt. 6:33). A laser light is monochromatic, operating on a single frequency; some lasers are so powerfully intense that they can cut through a diamond. Jesus says we are to “seek first,” not second, not third, but first. 

This demands that we be focused on our devotion to King Jesus. The intensity of our light is based on the habits of our devotion. So, how are you doing with your habits of devotion? Reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, communing with God, and fellowshipping with other believers are all essential habits that enrich our devotion to Jesus. 

Flickering Candles in a Stormy World

Our world is full of flickering candles. People who claim to be devoted to King Jesus but struggle to illuminate His presence and power. A flickering candle is easily swayed by the wind and must be carefully handled and nurtured to keep burning. You live in a cruel world that wants nothing more than to snuff out your Kingdom light. A world of wind, rain, and storms that no candle can withstand. 

However, nothing in this world can threaten a powerfully intense laser. And I would flip that around and argue that the world is threatened by the powerful laser. Place the laser out in the storm, and as long as it has a power source, it will cut right through the storm, never dimmed by the wind and rain. But rather, the more intense the storm, the more vividly the light demonstrates its power in the darkness. 

Many people make the mistake of trying to play catch up on their devotion to Jesus only after they find themselves caught in a storm. That’s not impossible, but it is very difficult. But dear reader, please hear me: if all is calm in your life today, this is the time to get plugged into the power of King Jesus. Because we can all be sure of one thing: the storms are coming. No one gets through this life storm free. 

The best time to get prepared for the storm is when all is calm, and the sun is shining. Our struggle here is that when the sun is shining, we tend to relax our habits of devotion. We slack off on Bible reading, prayer, worship, fellowship with other believers, and so on. Our light may fade, but it’s difficult to recognize this when the sun is shining brightly around us. But subsequently the storms hit, and we desperately need the light. We must be firmly plugged into the power source of Jesus. And this only happens when we are faithful in our habits of devotion. 

So where are you today my friend? Is everything calm in your life? If so let me remind you that as you enjoy this season, it’s just that, a season, and this season will come to an end. Take some time today and evaluate your light. How is your connection; are you firmly plugged in? Is the power freely flowing from the Kingdom in and through your life? 

Finding Peace in the Storm

If you find yourself today in a raging storm, this, too, is only a season and will come to an end. If your light is being battered by the storm, you can cry out to Jesus, just like the disciples did in Luke 8:24. Jesus may calm your storm, or He may let the storms rage on, but He will go through the storms with you. Either way, keep in mind that these storms are only temporary. It may not feel like it, but it is temporary—just like everything in this world.

Once again, this brings us back to the value of Kingdom living. Because the Kingdom of God is eternal, it’s full of love, joy, and peace (Gal. 5:23). It is where King Jesus reigns and rules and overpowers anything this world can ever throw at us. 

John 16:33 (CSB)

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.