Conduits of Living Water

John 7:38 (CSB)

The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him.

After World War I, Lawrence of Arabia took some of his Arab friends to Paris. He showed them the Louvre, the Arch of Triumph, Napoleon’s tomb, and the Champs Elysees. But they were most impressed with the bathtub in their hotel room. They were intrigued by the fact that all they had to do was turn the handle and they could have all the water they wanted.

When they were ready to leave Paris, Lawrence found his friends trying to detach the faucet from the wall. You see, they thought if they could just bring the faucet back to the desert, they could have an unlimited supply of water. They did not understand that the faucet was just a conduit connected to a vast water system that was supplied by the rain and snow of the Alps.

Mistaking the Faucet for the Source

It's easy for us to do this spiritually as well. We have a propensity to fall in love with the vessel, to get overly focused on the church building, the preacher, the leather-bound Bible, the beautiful hymns and praise music, or the dynamic worship leader. In doing this, we are getting overly fixated on the conduits and forgetting about the source. It's like we're mistaking the faucet for the water system.

Let’s take another look at our key verse, “The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him” (John 7:38 CSB). That is a profound statement! Jesus is saying that when you’re connected to Him you will have an eternal flow of Living Water flowing from the deepest parts of your existence (John 4:10-14). Think about that for a moment. As you weave your life into the life of Jesus, the Living Water that gives eternal life is going to be flowing through the deepest recesses of your being right out into the open splashing on everything and everyone around you.

The Overflowing Life of Christ

It's amazing to think that it's going to flow through every fiber of your being to the extent that you will not be able to contain it. It's not only going to flow through you it’s going to flow out of you. You are not the only beneficiary of the Living Water, as it’s going to flow out onto everything and everyone around you. The people you spend the most time with will be blessed from the life of Jesus as it flows through you.

As you work on your habits of discipleship—Bible intake, prayer, communing with God, fellowship with other believers, worship, and so on—you’ll experience a constant flow of Living Water giving life to every part of your soul and being. How do you know this Living Water is flowing through you? Look around; do you see other people closely connected to you coming to life? Another indication is that the life-transforming power of Living Water will transform your relationships. Are you experiencing more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as you relate to everyone (Gal. 5:22–23)? 

Indicators of Living Water Within

Just like after a long drought, when the refreshing rains fall, we witness a resurrection, all the dead grass miraculously comes back to life. It goes from brown, dry, and crunchy to green, lush, and beautiful. When you have the Living Water flowing in and through you resurrection will be a common occurrence. Just as Isaiah said, “The wilderness and the dry land will be glad; the desert will rejoice and blossom like a wildflower” (Isaiah 35:1 CSB).

Keep your heart connected to Jesus who is the source of Living Water. Diligently make sure the faucet of your life is fully open, allowing His grace, mercy, love, and resurrection power to flow out on the dry land and parched hearts around you. Part of your Kingdom purpose is to be a conduit of refreshment to everything and everyone around you. As the Living Water flows through you, keep in mind that Jesus is the source. It’s all about Him; it always has been, and it always will be.