“Death by Distraction”

Matthew 13:22 (CSB)

Now the one sown among the thorns—this is one who hears the word, but the worries of this age and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. 

Have you ever choked on something before? It can be a terrifying feeling! You can't breathe, and your whole body seizes up as you go into panic mode. As you're gasping for air, your face is changing colors, and your hands grab at your throat. Why? Because your body must have air, you only have a few minutes before it's game over.

 The Silent Choke: Good Things

Experiencing spiritual choking is a very different experience. It happened so slowly and discreetly that we don't even realize it. In Matthew 13:22, Jesus says the things that choke us spiritually are “the worries of this age and the deceitfulness of wealth.” We must understand that “the worries of this age” are not necessarily bad things. They can actually be good things. The world, the flesh, and the devil are all masters at bombarding you with good things. 

You can be juggling so many good things that you can feel like you’re being pulled in four different directions at once. The Europeans created a gruesome medieval torture technique where they tied each of a man's four limbs to a different horse, all set to pull in opposite directions. The French called this “distraction.” So yes, being overwhelmed with distractions can be torturous.

Jesus: The Model of Unshakable Focus

Have you ever thought about how focused Jesus was? He seemed to always have plenty of distractions coming at Him from every direction. Peter tried to divert Him from the cross; His own brothers tried to get Him to perform miracles at the Passover; even His own mother tried to pull Him away from teaching about the Kingdom of God. But Jesus never let any of these good things or good ideas distract Him from His Kingdom purpose. He was locked in. He was laser-focused (Hebrews 12:2).

What good things are pulling at you?

Breaking Free: The Antidote to Spiritual Suffocation

The business model of this world you live in is death by distraction. Think about it: Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to sell you something. It's all good stuff, good ideas, and a way of life that will supposedly make everything easier. But the invisible danger that sneaks up on us is that these good things can become the vines that wrap themselves around our spiritual life and slowly and discreetly choke the spiritual life right out of us.

Jesus said in John 10:10, “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” We tend to envision the thief coming with red horns, a pitchfork, and a blazing firearm. We don't realize that more often than not, he comes disguised as good things. These "good things" can bring distraction that saps the spiritual life right out of you. Causing you to lose your focus on the Kingdom. In turn this will slowly drain you of Kingdom peace. 

So what's the antidote? What can you do when you feel death by distraction pulling you apart? The Greek word used by Jesus is “merimna,” which Peter also uses in 1 Peter 5:7 (CSB) where it is translated “cares.” “Casting all your cares (or worries) on him, because he cares about you.” 

What worries are you still holding on to?

When you cast all your worries on Jesus, He will prune back the vines that are choking the very spiritual life out of you. His pruning may prove to be painful, but it will also, in the end, be freeing. When Jesus sets you free, it's much like when a person is set free from being choked. There is an immediate, massive gasp for air and relief. And the closer a person is to death, the more appreciative they are of being saved. Jesus said the one who has been forgiven much will love much (Luke 7:47). 

Are you breathing freely in Christ Jesus today? Is the life-giving oxygen of the Kingdom giving you spiritual life, health, and well-being? If not, then it may be time to identify the vines that are distracting you. Is there anything other than Jesus that your identity and purpose are rooted in? If so, you’ll find that those roots are producing some sneaky vines that are wrapping around your soul. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to identify any possible sneaky vines of distraction in your life. When you allow Him to uproot them, your spiritual airway will open. You'll be glad you did as you breathe freely in Christ Jesus again.