Why Some People Love God’s Word

Psalm 119:105 (CSB)

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.


Have you ever wondered why some people just love God's Word and can't seem to get enough? They're always in it, talking about it, and living it out. Why is that? It's because the Holy Spirit has revealed to them the incredible, unmatched excellence of the Word of God. So let's take a deep dive into why the Scriptures are essential to someone who loves Jesus. 

The Word is a Guiding Light

Have you ever been lost in the dark? It can be a little unnerving to say the least. But imagine having a pillar of fire to guide you through the night. That's what the Israelites had during their time in the wilderness (Exodus 13:22), and that's what God's Word is for us. Psalm 119:105 (CSB) says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." The Bible can help us avoid the stumbling blocks and pitfalls that we encounter as we make our way through this world. Without the Scriptures we wouldn’t know what the Kingdom of God is, much less guidance for Kingdom living.

The Word of God is a Weapon

If you're in Christ Jesus, you're engaged in spiritual warfare. The world, the flesh, and the devil are fighting against your spiritual growth. The Word of God serves as a weapon in your spiritual arsenal. When the Israelites were crossing the Red Sea, the power of God demonstrated through the cloud stood behind them, providing a barrier between them and Pharaoh’s army (Exodus 14:19-20). Similarly, when Jesus was tempted after His 40-day fast, He used the Word of God to counter Satan’s temptations (Matthew 4:1-11). Ephesians 6:17 (CSB) describes the Word of God as the “Sword of the Spirit,” emphasizing its role as both a defensive and offensive tool in spiritual warfare.

The Word is a Spiritual Mirror

Mirrors are good because they reveal the truth. Have you ever looked in a mirror first thing in the morning and been surprised at what you saw? A mirror can reveal what happened during the night while you were asleep. The Word of God does the same thing on a spiritual level. Through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit, it reflects your true spiritual condition. James 1:23–25 (CSB) says that anyone who listens to the Word but doesn't do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and forgets what he looks like. The Word's not merely for listening; it is designed for application in our lives.

God’s Word is a Comfort 

Life can get rough on the struggle bus. Sometimes we bounce our way to the very back seats and take a beating from the world's circumstances. Thank God for His Word, which offers comfort to our souls. As the psalmist declares, "This is my comfort in affliction: Your promise has given me life" (Psalm 119:50 CSB). Ah, yes, the life-giving promises of God. When we have a consistent intake of the Bible, it's like living water flowing into our souls (John 7:38), giving us life, hope, and peace as we make our way through this world.

So there you have it, my friend! That's just a few reasons why some people love the Word of God so much. Because it's their guiding light, spiritual weapon, mirror, and comfort in times of affliction. Let me lay down this challenge before you: Try increasing your daily intake of the Bible. You can use a Bible app and just listen to it for a few extra minutes each day. You might be surprised at the overall increase in your love, joy, and peace (Galatians 5:22-23). Then you will more deeply understand why some people are absolutely captivated by the Word of God.

Psalm 119:114 (CSB)

You are my shelter and my shield; I put my hope in your word.