Fair-weather 'gods' and False Loyalty

Exodus 4:31 (CSB)

The people believed, and when they heard that the Lord had paid attention to them and that he had seen their misery, they knelt low and worshiped.

Have you ever worked for someone who was great to work for, as long as you made them money? They provided incentives; you met the incentives; they gave you bonuses; and they told you that you were important to the company. Then something went wrong, and you’re not making them as much money as you once did. All of a sudden, you’re not so valuable anymore. The ones that you thought had your back suddenly kicked you to the curb and turned their back on you. The truth is, they weren't loving you; they were loving what you did for them (1 Timothy 6:10).

This can be a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the world we live in. Some people call it a “dog-eat-dog world.” There is some truth to that idea. This world and its opinions are always shifting and changing. In Exodus 4:31, the Israelites were initially thrilled after hearing about God’s plan for their deliverance, and they “bowed and worshiped.” But once things got rough on the struggle bus, where did they turn? Right back to Pharaoh. 

Pharaoh’s Affliction: The World’s False Sense of Security

Pharaoh, who represents the Kingdom of this world, forces the Israelites into submission through affliction, dominance, and manipulation. At every turn, he is exploiting the Israelites for his own gain with no regard for their well-being (Exodus 5:4). And why? Because that's how the Kingdom of this world operates—through power, manipulation, and exploitation. When we fall into the temptation to be a part of the world's system, we tend to find ourselves feeling taken advantage of and exploited for someone else's advantage. This is why we need to choose to give our loyalty to the right Kingdom.

Choosing the Kingdom of Heaven Over Earthly Kingdoms

This is your choice: which kingdom do you want to serve? Will it be the King of heaven or the king of this world? The pharaohs of this world are everywhere. Their love is conditional, contingent on what you can give them. They are loyal to you as long as you give them what they want. 

Swing the pendulum to the total opposite side, and there you will find how King Jesus relates to you. Your standing in the Kingdom of Heaven is not based on your works or performance, but rather on your position in Christ Jesus. God is not concerned about how well you perform or how hard you work. The primary concern in the Kingdom of God is the devotion of your heart. This Kingdom is based on giving you grace, love, and an eternal purpose and identity (Ephesians 2:8–9).

The kingdom of this world will deceive you into believing it has what you need for your happiness, but in the end it will take everything from you. The Prodigal Son paid the price for this lie when he left his father’s house to go and enjoy his inheritance in this world. He didn’t come to his senses until after he had lost all his inheritance (Luke 15:17). Sadly, the same is true for most of us. We don't come to our senses and realize the value of the Kingdom of Heaven until after Pharaoh has taken everything from us.

Kingdom Perspective

Friends, let's keep in mind that we are not citizens of this world but ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't be manipulated by the fair-weather love of this world’s system. In the end, it will always fail you. Instead, turn your heart towards the Father's house (Luke 15:18). Evaluate your life and make sure you're living sensibly in the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't wait until after Pharaoh has taken everything from you before you come to your senses. The Father's love and grace for you are immeasurable (Romans 8:38–39). His desire is for you to commune with Him and live under His Kingdom authority rule.

Pause for a moment and evaluate the devotion of your heart. Are you seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33)? Do you find your identity and purpose in your position in Christ Jesus? If so, you're headed in the right direction. If not, then it's time for you to come to your Kingdom senses, pick yourself up, and return to the Father's house. He'll be excited to see you, and who knows, He might even throw a party.


Luke 15:22–24 (CSB)

“But the father told his servants, ‘Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.

Then bring the fattened calf and slaughter it, and let’s celebrate with a feast,

because this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ So they began to celebrate.