Your Kingdom Value

John 15:13 (CSB)

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends.

Your value is found in who you are, not what you do. Have you ever felt like people only love you because of what you can do for them? The world system you live in places value on people according to their achievements. If a person is a great entertainer, athlete, or overachiever in any area, then they will receive all kinds of accolades and shallow love from the world. If you have ever achieved anything the world finds valuable, you've experienced this kind of love. It's not even real love because it is conditional. But this is the only kind of love the world knows or can give.

Thankfully, in the Kingdom of God, your value is not based on your performance; it's based on your position. This requires a shift in thinking between how the world sees you and how God sees you. God’s love is not subjective. Worldly love is based on what’s happening on the outside. Kingdom love is based on God’s character. It can be said this way: God is love. It is in God’s character to love. 

When referring to God’s love, Jesus used the word "agape". In the New Testament, agape love is selfless, unconditional, and sacrificial. You don't have to perform to earn God’s approval or love. Jesus, the Son of God, has already fully achieved all of these, and as a result of your identity in Christ, you are now experiencing the same love that Jesus received from the Father. The Bible makes it clear that nothing can separate you from this love, as seen in Romans 8:38–39 (CSB), “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The key here is “the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

You experience God’s agape love based on your position in Christ. And there is where your value is found. Once you get your mind wrapped around this truth and you truly experience the unconditional love of God, you will see the vast difference between agape love and the subjective love of this world.

You must keep in mind that your worth is not measured by the fleeting standards of this world but by the unchanging and eternal love of God. In the Kingdom of God, your value cannot be measured; it is eternal and firmly rooted in your position in Christ.

You're valued not because of your achievements, your wealth, or your social status, but because, in Christ Jesus, you have become a child of God.

The agape love of God transcends all human understanding; it is not determined by subjective factors but by His character. In Christ, you are already approved, accepted, and loved beyond measure. When your perspective shifts into Kingdom love, it will transform every aspect of your life. When you truly immerse yourself in this truth, the superficial, hollow love and acceptance of this world will pale in comparison. Anchor yourself firmly in this truth, let it strengthen your soul, and redefine your sense of self-worth. Embrace your Kingdom value; it is here that you are living out your Kingdom purpose. Remember, dear reader, that your Kingdom purpose is more about who you are than what you do. Position yourself firmly in this truth, and let it serve you as a reminder that God loves you beyond your comprehension, and this is where you'll find your true worth and your Kingdom value.