“Why is the LORD Bringing Us into This?” 

Numbers 14:3-4

Why is the Lord bringing us into this land to die by the sword? Our wives and children will become plunder. Wouldn’t it be better for us to go back to Egypt?” So they said to one another, “Let’s appoint a leader and go back to Egypt.”

Do you expect that if you do everything you can to follow God's Kingdom purpose for your life, everything will fall into place without any problems? If so, you’re setting yourself up for your expectations to be crushed. Most of the time, when we're walking with Jesus, He'll lead us into situations that seem impossible to work out.

In Numbers 14:1–4, After delivering His people out of Egyptian bondage, God is leading them into the Promised Land, but there is a problem. The Promised Land was already occupied. Not only was it occupied, but it was full of strong, well-fortified cities and, worst of all, giants. How do the Israelites respond? The same way most of us respond when running smack dab into a wall of impossibility. With little trust and a never-ending stream of questions prefaced by "why?" 

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? We’re trying to do everything God is leading us to do, only to see everything fall apart all around us. When life’s circumstances come crushing in on us, it’s easy to step back and wonder, “Why is the LORD bringing us into this?” It's like being trapped in a dark room filled with voices that are whispering lies and fears into our hearts.

You must keep in mind that you have three enemies that are constantly trying to discourage you from living God's Kingdom purpose for your life. They are the world, the flesh, and the devil. Staying with the dark room illustration, the world is like a crowd of people always murmuring in your ears that God is not good. Your flesh, which is your sinful nature, is like an inner voice saying, “This is impossible; you can’t do it; give up already.” And the devil is like a director in this dark room, stirring everything and everyone up to influence you to give up on God's good plan for your life.

The lie is always the same: “You’ll be better off returning to slavery.” Your enemy is always twisting and distorting reality to deceive you into believing the lie that your life will be easier if you only go back to living in bondage. 

Just as God gave His people a new identity as they were delivered from slavery in Egypt to become His chosen people living in the Promised Land, He has given you a new identity as He delivered you from the bonds of sin to walk in freedom in Christ. But just like the Israelites, we often run into roadblocks and struggle with doubt and fear. 

When you face obstacles that seem impossible, you must ask yourself this question: Whose power and authority am I relying on? If you're relying on your own strength and power, you will always find impassable walls before you. But if you live under the Kingdom authority rule of Jesus, no barrier is too big for Him.

As you follow Jesus, just know that you will face giants. These giants come in all different forms and kinds of impossibilities. They come in the form of financial crises, challenging people, difficult jobs, health crises, family situations, and the list goes on. However, you must keep in mind that when God leads you into an impossible situation, it is an opportunity for Him to show Himself strong in your life. 

How will your faith grow if you don't ever experience the power and presence of God delivering you through impossible situations?

Keep in mind that the world, the flesh, and the devil are trying to convince you to give up on God's good plan. So you must trust God today, dear friend, lean on His power, and live in the truth of your identity in Christ. Keep in mind what Jesus said: “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world” (John 16:33, CSB). And that’s a promise you can hold on to!