When You’re Feeling Inadequate

Psalm 138:8 (CSB)

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me. Lord, your faithful love endures forever; do not abandon the work of your hands.

Back in 1986, I was fresh out of high school when I began going to a quaint little country church with a tight knit community of under fifty folks. In addition to the pastor, this little church was home to two ordained preachers, who were all dedicated members.

Brother Johnny Bates, one of the ordained preachers, was the Superintendent at the time. He approached me one Sunday and asked if I'd lead the next week's devotional. I was only 17 years old at the time, and I knew very little about the Bible. The thought of standing before that little congregation with three ordained preachers and sharing my thoughts on the Bible was terrifying.

Shocked and feeling utterly inadequate can't even begin to describe the emotions I felt when brother Johnny approached me. I was quick to say "No!" But what I didn't realize at the time was that he was praying for me and felt a stirring to ask me to give the devotional. Those next few days were downright awful for me as the Holy Spirit was working me over until I finally called him and begged him to let me do the devotional.

The following Sunday morning, as I stood trembling before that small congregation, was a tipping point in my life. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this was the moment I was finally turning my heart in the direction of my Kingdom purpose. In the moment, I felt this Holy Spirit surge of tension and excitement like I had never experienced before as my heart collided with my calling.

Think about Moses on the backside of the wilderness, watching over his father-in-law's sheep. He was a stuttering fugitive from Egypt who had spent the past forty years of his life contemplating the regrets of how he had murdered the Egyptian. When God called him to go back and deliver the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, no doubt he felt unqualified. But just like so many other people in the Bible, Moses discovered the mighty power of God in his weaknesses and inadequacies.

That first devotional set me on a path that has spanned over 35 years, leading me to schools, prison churches, civic meetings, and even foreign mission fields like Belize and China to share God's Word.

As I look back over the years to that 17-year-old boy trembling before that little country church, I had no idea where that one "yes" to do the devotional was going to lead me. We are all fighting a spiritual battle for our minds, hearts, and souls. However, keep in mind that when you say "yes" despite your shortcomings, you will experience God's power and strength like never before.

When you take your position in Christ, serve other people, and dive into His Word, you're not just participating in the battle; you're holding the gospel line that spans all throughout the generations, all the way back to Genesis chapter 3, where it all began.

I encourage you not to shy away from what seems impossible but to embrace it because, as crazy as it might seem, it may just be that God is calling you to something that is far beyond your wildest dreams. Whether you're a seasoned believer or just beginning your walk with Jesus, there's a place for you in His Kingdom purpose. And keep this in mind: It's in your weakness that you will find that His strength is perfect (2 Cor. 12:9–10).