“When ‘good’ isn’t Good Enough”

Ephesians 2:8–9 (CSB)

For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast.

The Inability of Self-Sufficiency

Imagine standing on the beach in California with three people: an Olympic swimmer, a casual weekend swimmer, and someone who can barely float. These three swimmers have the goal of swimming to Hawaii. The Olympic swimmer, with his technique, stamina, and ability, might be able to swim 500 miles before exhaustion. The casual swimmer? He might make it 25 miles if he's in really great shape. And the person who can barely float, well, he's not going to make it very far at all.

Someone can say that the Olympic swimmer is 500 times better of a swimmer than the dog paddler. But who's more dead? The point is that no one can get to Hawaii from California on the basis of their own swimming ability. Everyone needs help, an outside source that can carry them beyond their natural ability. Because in our natural ability we all fall short. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23, CSB).

Grace: The Boat We Didn’t Build

Imagine yourself standing on that same beach in California with thousands and thousands of people. And everyone is required to swim to Hawaii. Once again, there are all different skill levels, from Olympic swimmers down to people who cannot swim an inch. When suddenly a massive ship appears. It can carry everyone to Hawaii and is piloted by none other than Jesus Himself. With this new revelation, it doesn't matter how far you can swim all that matters is whether you will make the decision to get in the ship. In reality Jesus does all the saving, we're just called to trust Him and position ourselves in His salvation. “For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9, CSB).

Transformed by Grace

Imagine yourself positioned in this massive ship called "Grace." You're saved, enjoying every moment of your voyage. Everything is provided. You have your own personal room and an enormous dining hall with all the food you could ever want. Beautiful decks with all types of entertainment for people to fellowship with one another. And as you're walking along the deck, you notice some people still in the ocean doing their best to swim their way to Hawaii. Your heart breaks for them because you know what they can experience on the ship. And you know that they are facing certain doom, attempting to swim under their own power and ability.

You begin to wave and yell, throwing life preservers to the swimmers and begging them to join you before they drown. The ones who are strong swimmers ignore you and continue to swim because they're doing fine under their own power. And only a select few people who are on the verge of drowning and have run out of options are willing to grab the life preserver and let it pull them in. 

New Mission and Purpose

The further you go, the more people you see drowning in the ocean of their own efforts. You feel you must do something. You call a meeting and urge everyone to help you reach out to all the drowning people the ship is passing. Most people are apathetic, saying, “They made their own choice not to get on the ship; they are not my problem.” 

But you have a few who join you and form teams. They get in lifeboats and patrol around the ship day and night, looking to help anyone they can. With their help, you are able to reach more people, bringing them to salvation on the ship. 

Now all the people who have been saved meet daily and begin to join you and your team in saving others. They share their tale of swimming through the ocean, dodging sharks, and reaching the brink of death before being saved. They are appreciative, want to help others, and are willing to sacrifice to see others come to salvation in the great ship of "Grace."

Have you been rescued? Are you positioned in Christ Jesus enjoying the grace of His great salvation? If so, don’t lose sight of the people who are outside the ship swimming in the ocean of their own efforts. There are teams all around you who are tasked with lifeboats on a rescue mission who can use your support and help. 

Ephesians 2:10 (CSB)

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.