Satan’s Magnifying Glass and God’s Megaphone

Titus 2:11 (CSB)

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people.

Have you ever been scrolling through social media and ran across pictures of someone who had been in an accident, and they're sharing their gruesome pictures for all to see? As your stomach turns, you think, “Wow, that's ugly! I didn't really want to see that!" I find it interesting that some people are quick to show ugly pictures of themselves from accidents but will do everything they can to hide the ugly, painful hurt that is lingering on the inside.

The Scriptures warn us about how shifty and deceptive our enemy is. You must be aware that he will tempt you and lure you into supposedly small sins, persuading you that it's no big deal. He manipulates with whispers of, "You deserve this; you need this; you're not hurting anyone," and so on. The Epistle of James warns us about the attitude of allowing little sin in our lives. "But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death” (James 1:14–15, CSB). Take note of the progression of sin from conception to death in these verses.

The world, the flesh, and the devil are all working in harmony to entice you to move away from the Kingdom of God. Once you give into the temptation and have allowed time and room in your life for the sin to grow, Satan will pull out his magnifying glass called condemnation and magnify your sins. Your flesh, and the world will join in the concert of condemnation chanting over and over again lies in your mind, like: “How can you do such a horrible thing and call yourself a Christian? You’re a terrible person. Everyone would be better off without you.” These lies can be like a ticker tape constantly running through your mind. It's exhausting when there seems to be this nagging voice in your head reminding you of all the wrong things you've ever done.

Now for the good news: God has a megaphone called "Grace." When you're in Christ Jesus and you let the truth of God's Word fill your heart and mind every day, you're constantly turning up the message of God's grace in your mind. You can take the volume up to the next level when you memorize God's promises; it's like the most beautiful, soothing, powerful music saturating your mind and drowning out the lies of the Devil.

If your enemies are magnifying your sins, I encourage you to memorize this promise: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1, CSB).

Which one do you want held over your life Satan’s magnifying glass or God's megaphone? You must keep in mind that the Lord's love, grace, and mercy are far more potent than any scam your enemy can play on you. At times, you may feel crushed by your sins, listening to the constant lies of condemnation. If that's you, then it's time for you to move out from under the magnifying glass and tune in to God's megaphone.

I encourage you, dear friend, to make a conscious choice today to listen to God's megaphone of grace. Tune in as it speaks life, truth, and goodness over your heart. Listen closely as it speaks the reality of your position in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6), your identity as a coheir with Christ (Romans 8:17), and the unimaginable wonder of being a child of God (Ephesians 5:1). Break free from the chains of condemnation and walk in the freedom that Jesus has purchased for you through his death, burial, and resurrection.

When you live in this reality, it will transform your heart and mind and radically change your life. Your life in Christ Jesus is defined by the one who conquered sin and death on your behalf. So move out from under the magnifying glass of lies and hold tight to the promises found in God's word, like Romans 8:1, and walk in confidence knowing that in Christ Jesus you are loved, you are forgiven, and you are free. And keep in mind that no magnifying glass can ever make a big deal of what God has already forgiven and forgotten (Jer. 31:34). As you seek first the Kingdom of God, the megaphone of grace will always have the last word, and the truth of His Kingdom purpose will forever be your anthem in Christ Jesus.