Kingdom-First Living

Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Imagine a life where the hustle, bustle, and chaos of this world were all kept in check—a life without an overwhelming clamor of obligations, expectations, and distractions draining your joy. Are you interested in a life that is filled with purpose, where you know and live your true identity? This is the life that Jesus offers to all who are willing to live in His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is closer than you might think. It's right here, right now, even as you're reading this devotional. The Kingdom of God is waiting for you to stake your claim, take your place, and make your home.

But to seek first the Kingdom of God, we must understand what we are seeking.

First, let's lay the groundwork for what The Kingdom of God is and how to live in it here and now. The Kingdom of God in its most basic, stripped-down form is wherever Jesus is raining and ruling. Ask yourself these questions: Does Jesus sit on the throne of my heart? Is my mind a place where His truth reigns supreme? Is my soul a sanctuary for His Kingdom presence? This is the foundation of what it means to live a life where God's Kingdom comes first.

Secondly, we need to focus on understanding what it means to seek first the Kingdom of God. This pursuit is also a discipline. It's about focusing on ordering your loves, giving them the right priority, and disciplining your heart to stay focused with utmost devotion to Jesus. You must discipline yourself every day in every facet of your life. This kind of life requires consistent prayer and reflection before every day and every decision, always being conscientious of God's Word and His will (Eph. 6:18). This kind of discipline and focus will keep your spiritual compass always pointing in the direction of the Kingdom of God.

When you make this decision to live first for the Kingdom, you will most likely be tested. You might struggle in the face of the busyness and stress of life, which can be filled with many good but distracting things. These diversions will cause your mind to drift away from the Kingdom and water down your devotion to Jesus. When the shifting winds of this life begin to move you away from Kingdom-first living, it is crucial to stick to your disciplines of prayer and Bible reading. By doing this, you are focusing on growing deep in your relationship with Jesus and being moved by the deepness of His Kingdom.

The world is constantly going to attempt to shape you into its mold. This is why it is essential that you stick to your Kingdom disciplines. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to build consistency in your Kingdom disciplines. Don't be afraid to go at a different pace, in a different way, and in a different race altogether from everyone around you. Kingdom first living is going to go against every fiber of your human nature, and against every reasonable current of this world. 

Take a moment to sit in silence. Contemplate the Kingdom of God within you, enveloping you, and its love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness filling every aspect of your heart, soul, and mind. This, dear reader, is the life you are meant to live, a life pulsating with the heartbeat of God's Kingdom.

At times, Kingdom-first living will feel like an uphill battle, like there is this resistance from the world around you that is a prevailing current pushing you in the wrong direction. But take courage. With every prayer, every Bible reading, and every Kingdom focused thought, you're growing closer to God, and Kingdom-first living.