From Bitter to Sweet

David Yarbrough

Scripture: Exodus 15:25 CSB

Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a tree. When he threw it into the water, the water became fit to drink…

Imagine the excitement of a little boy, barely able to see over the kitchen counter, eagerly awaiting a delicious bowl of cereal. It's a simple pleasure that brings joy to his heart. This was me, many years ago, relying on the help of others to pour milk in my cereal bowl. The anticipation of that first crunchy, sweet bite filled my heart with happiness. Little did I know that one day, my enthusiasm would be met with a bitter taste, teaching me a lesson that has stayed with me ever since.

It all began when I asked my older sister for assistance with my cereal one morning. She obliged, albeit reluctantly. I eagerly took my first bite, only to be met with a sour taste that made my face scrunch up in disgust. My sister, slightly aggravated at my nagging for her help, insisted that I eat every last bite. So, with a heavy heart, I did. It wasn't until later when my mother discovered the milk had soured that my sister realized her mistake and felt terrible for making me endure such an unpleasant experience.

The truth is, life can be much like that bowl of sour cereal. At times, we are faced with situations that leave a bitter taste in our mouths, and we have no choice but to endure them. It's in these moments that we need the sweetness of the Kingdom of God to inspire us and give us the strength to persevere through the challenges of this often sour world. In today's devotion, we'll explore how the love and grace of God can provide the sustenance we need to make it through even the sourest of times.

The account of Moses throwing a tree into the bitter waters of Marah offers profound symbolism, revealing God's power to heal, transform, and bring life where there is death. We will explore the significance of the tree as a representation of God's power, a type of Christ, and a symbol of God's ability to turn the bitter circumstances of life into something sweet and life-giving.

I. The Tree as a Representation of God's Power

The tree that Moses threw into the water demonstrates the power of God to heal and transform, turning bitterness into sweetness and death into life. This miraculous event shows us that God is not limited by the natural order but can work wonders beyond our understanding.

Jeremiah 32:27 "Look, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too difficult for Me?"

II. The Tree as a Type of Christ

The tree that Moses threw into the water foreshadows the work of Christ on the cross. Just as the tree transformed the bitter waters into sweet, life-giving water, Christ's death on the cross has made the bitter waters of sin and death sweet and life-giving. Through His sacrifice, He has provided the ultimate healing and transformation for our souls.

John 19:30 CSB "When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished.' Then bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."

III. The Tree as a Symbol of God's Ability to Transform Life's Bitter Circumstances

The tree that Moses threw into the water also symbolizes the power of God to transform the bitter circumstances of life into something sweet and life-giving. Just as the tree changed the nature of the water at Marah, God can change the nature of our circumstances and bring about healing, restoration, and life where there once was pain, sorrow, and death.

Romans 8:28 "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose."

As we reflect on the story of the tree in Exodus 15:25, let us remember the power of God to heal, transform, and bring life to the bitter circumstances we face. May we find hope and encouragement in the knowledge that Christ's work on the cross provides ultimate healing and transformation, and that God is actively working to turn the bitter circumstances of our lives into sweet, life-giving, Kingdom experiences.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your power to heal, transform, and bring life to our bitter circumstances. We are humbled and grateful for the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, which provides the ultimate healing and transformation for our souls. Help us to trust in Your ability to work all things for good, as we surrender our lives to Your will and purpose. Amen.