Drilling into the Depths of God’s Word 

David Yarbrough

1 Corinthians 2:10 (CSB)

Now God has revealed these things to us by the Spirit, since the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.

In drilling for oil, an oil rig will drill through layers and layers of the earth's strata until it strikes the richness hidden below the surface. At first, the drilling will make fast progress because surface drilling is fast and easy. But as it progresses closer to its target depth, where the oil is contained, drilling gets slower and more challenging because it begins to hit layers of hard rock. 

Bible study is much the same. When you’re a new believer and you first begin to read your Bible and listen to Bible teachers, it’s all fresh and easy to drill through, so you learn quickly. But you may soon discover that the Bible has many layers of truth, and some are more difficult to grasp than others. 

However, as you drill down into the solid rock of God’s word, the Holy Spirit will shed new light on your previous understanding of the shallower biblical truths you’ve learned. Unexpectedly, the same text that you have read many times and know well will come alive in a whole new way. This is the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit as He helps you tap into a new understanding of the richness of God’s Word. The result is that you will know God more intimately and learn how to relate to Him more effectively in your daily life. 

Dear reader, don't get discouraged if, for no apparent reason, your spiritual drilling slows down and becomes more challenging. It may be that you've hit a new season of life that is hard and difficult, and what you've done in the past in your Bible study isn't enough for your current challenges. Sometimes, the deeper you drill down, the more God will let you struggle to tap into the Bible’s richer meanings. This struggle is necessary to keep you humble, so you don’t rely solely on your intellectual abilities. 

Sometimes the drilling on an oil rig will come to a grinding halt. The drill bit can be over 1000 feet deep and suddenly hit a layer of strata that is too hard for the bit to penetrate. At this point, the rig manager will give instructions to the rig hands to pull all the drill pipe out of the hole and change the bit. This is what is known as “tripping out of the hole.” This can be a long, laborious process to pull all the drill pipe out of the hole, change out the bit, and trip back in. But with a new bit in place, drilling can resume, and the rig can begin making progress once again. 

If you have a desire to drill down deep into the riches of God's Word, then, just like the oil rig, you may need to ‘trip out of the hole’ and change out your bit, which represents your study tools. It might be that you are stuck in a rut and need to take a break from your usual study routine and try something new. You can ask a biblically mature believer for advice on listening to audio sermons or podcasts, watching Bible study videos, or trying a different translation of the Bible. You might find it more helpful to consider studying a specific topic or theme in the Bible that interests you. The most important aspect of Bible study is to be intentional and consistent and to always seek the empowerment and guidance of the Holy Spirit as you drill deeper into God's Word. Keep in mind that, just like an oil rig, sometimes you may need to pause, reevaluate, and make some needed changes to get back to making spiritual progress. 

So, keep drilling; your spiritual rig is well equipped. The frustrations that lie ahead are unavoidable, so don't give up. But view all your challenges as an opportunity to reevaluate and grow in your sanctification and understanding of how to more effectively study God's Word and experience a greater expansion of his Kingdom in your heart. If you keep drilling, you will tap into a vast reservoir of wisdom and revelation that can only be found in the Word of God. You will grow to enjoy an ever-deepening relationship with the Lord that will totally transform your life here on earth and set a rich trajectory for your eternal life in heaven. 

Hebrews 4:12 (CSB)

For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.