Developing a Heart of Worship

Worship is the act of attributing reverent honor and homage to God. It's not just a weekly ritual that takes place in church, but a daily expression of our love and reverence for God.

Try to imagine trying to fit a massive whale into a tiny fishbowl. Sounds crazy, right? But for many people, this is how they approach worship. They attempt to squeeze responding to the vast, boundless love and glory of God into just one hour on Sunday morning. It's kind of like trying to capture the majesty of the ocean in a thimble. But most of us struggle to comprehend that worship isn't something we do; it's a lifestyle. So let's discuss what it means to turn our entire lives into a continuous act of worship.

1. Everything is Connected to God

  • Colossians 3:23 (CSB) - “Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.”

God is omnipresent, which means He's everywhere all the time. There isn't anywhere you can go to escape God's presence. If you're in Christ Jesus, the Bible says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). So everywhere you go, you’re actually hosting the presence of God. When you’re mindful of this throughout your day you’ll begin to see everything through Kingdom lenses. This means you’ll filter everything you do—every thought, conversation, task, meal, and form of entertainment—through the lenses of the Kingdom of God. When you do this, worship will naturally stir in your heart and mind as the Holy Spirit connects all that you experience into your Kingdom purpose. 

2. Making Worship a Lifestyle 

  • Matthew 6:33 (CSB) - But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.

The more you fill your mind and heart with the Kingdom of God, the deeper and richer your understanding is going to be of Kingdom living. A central aspect of Kingdom living is worship. It is impossible to seek first the Kingdom of God and not worship. 

 As you seek first the Kingdom of God, you're declaring with your lifestyle that God is worthy of your attention, heart, soul, and mind. Worship is more about the intention of your heart than the actual act you’re engaged in. With a Kingdom attitude, you can engage in the most mundane, common, everyday activities and still make them acts of worship. 

3. Developing Rhythms of Worship

Psalm 1:2-3 (CSB) "Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

Rhythms are an inherent part of God's design. Think about how He has created day and night and patterns of weeks, months, and years. God has woven all creation together in a way that is both beautiful and purposeful. If we approach these rhythms the right way, they can serve as markers that set a pace for our lives, guiding our activities into a closer relationship with Him. 

The beginning of each day can serve as a marker to devote some time to God. Similarly, Sunday, the first day of the week, can serve as a Sabbath day of rest and worship totally dedicated to God. 

All these rhythms, large and small, are not just arbitrary patterns. They have spiritual significance. They are God's loving way of reminding us of His constant presence. They pull us back, especially when we lose focus and become overly distracted with the business of life.

To develop rhythms of worship:

  • Daily: Commit to starting and ending each day with God. It might be a simple prayer of gratitude in the morning or a time of reflection at night.

  • Weekly: Honor the Sabbath. Use this day not just as a physical rest but as a spiritual reset. Attend a worship service, spend quality time with family, or immerse yourself in Scripture.

  • Monthly: Dedicate time at the beginning or end of the month for a personal spiritual check-in. Reflect on God’s blessings, challenges faced, lessons learned, and ways you felt His presence.

  • Annually: As the seasons change, review your spiritual journey. Celebrate spiritual milestones, set new goals, and seek God’s guidance for the year ahead.

In the busyness of life, it's easy to get lost in the chaos and lose track of our Kingdom purpose in worship. Yet, with the right perspective, every moment serves as an opportunity to connect with God and make our entire lives an act of worship. Remember, we're not called merely to worship God within the four walls of a church; our entire existence should be an act of worship. As you embrace the rhythms God has set in motion, see everything through the lenses of the Kingdom of God with the intention of worshipping. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill every heartbeat of yours with a rhythm of adoration for the Almighty.