Day Nineteen: Watch Your Words They’re Like Fire

40 Days of Seeking First The Kingdom of God


Daily Insight

Our words, like seeds, can grow into beauty or weeds. Plant kindness and understand that with every word spoken, you’re either destroying or developing.


Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

Matthew 15:18 (CSB)

But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a person. 

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Imagine a world-changing invention, like when dynamite first came about in 1867, shaking up everything we knew. That's what social media did to our way of connecting with each other. It's a revolution in our pockets, just like how Alfred Nobel's dynamite changed the landscape. Social media was built to shrink our big world, to bring people from all ends of the earth into a close-knit community, all at the touch of a button. It promised to draw us nearer, to build connections that cross oceans and mountains, and to open up new ways for us to understand and express ourselves. This digital wonder, much like dynamite, has the power to reshape our world, but in a way that reaches into the very heart of human connection.

Like any powerful tool that God allows into our lives, social media reveals its two sides. It's like dynamite, which can be used to build or to blow things apart. In the hands of people all over the world, social media can lift us up or tear us down. We've all seen how it can be a battleground, where words are thrown like grenades, causing pain, bullying, and breaking down who we are inside. This is a real, hard look at the impact of our words, even online. The very platform that can bring us together, that can spread understanding and unity, can also be twisted into something that breaks hearts and divides us. It's a reminder to us, especially as followers of Christ, to use this tool with the wisdom and love He calls us to.

Here's where the parallel hits home. Our use of social media is much like how we use our spoken words. Proverbs 18:21 tells us about the power of the tongue to bring life or death, and in today's context, our digital tongues—the comments, posts, and messages we send out into the world through social media—carry the same weight. Every post, every tweet, every comment has the potential to either build up or tear down. It's like we're each carrying around a digital dynamite stick, capable of creating a blast that can either open up paths of positive communication or blow up bridges of relationships and understanding.

The responsibility we hold in our keyboards and smartphones is immense. We must be intentional and discerning about how we use this powerful tool of social media. It's about choosing to spread positivity, to build communities, to encourage and support, rather than to harm or destroy.

Harnessing the Power of Words: A Lesson from Creation and the Fall

"Then God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." - Genesis 1:3, CSB

Picture yourself in a pitch-black room. You speak out, "Let there be light," and suddenly, the entire room is flooded with brightness. That's a glimpse of the incredible power of God's words when He created the universe. In Genesis, we read that God didn't rely on any tools or technology to make the world. It was His words alone that brought everything into existence. He simply said, "Let there be light," and in an instant, light broke through the darkness.

This part of the Bible is more than just a story. It's a powerful example showing us the impact words can have. God’s words did more than just create objects; they brought life, order, and transformed chaos into a world filled with beauty and structure.

It's a profound reminder for us too. Our words hold immense power. While we may not be creating stars or planets, the words we speak into the lives of others, the words we type, can bring significant change. They have the ability to brighten someone's day, to bring clarity to confusion, and to encourage where there is despair. Reflecting on how God used His words inspires us to use our own words wisely and purposefully. Let's not forget, every word we say or write carries the potential to reflect God’s creative power, to bring light into the dark spaces around us.

Choosing Our Words Carefully

Ephesians 4:29 

Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. 

In the vastness of our digital and physical worlds, our words hold a power that echoes the creative force of God's command, "Let there be light." As we navigate the complexities of social media and daily conversations, let's choose our words with the wisdom and intentionality of someone holding a delicate, yet powerful tool. May our words not only avoid harm but actively seek to build, to heal, to connect. In doing so, we honor the gift of communication, reflecting the image of our Creator, who spoke the world into existence with words of life and light. Let's use our 'digital dynamite' to illuminate the dark corners of our world, one word at a time.