Calling the Unqualified

Isaiah 6:8 (CSB)

Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who will I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me.

A God Encounter Changes Everything

Have you ever experienced something so wonderful that you just couldn't keep it to yourself? Maybe you saw an inspirational movie, attended a life-changing event, or met the love of your life. Now, amplify that feeling by infinity. That's what it can be like when you encounter the Holy, Majestic, Living God. Isaiah experienced one of the most awesome worship events in the Old Testament, and guess what? He couldn't keep it to himself. I'm convinced that once you truly have a life-transforming encounter with God, you'll be bursting to share it, just like Isaiah.

Transformed to Testify

Let's set the stage: The passing of King Uzziah had unraveled Isaiah. In his distress, he went to the temple to pray. What he experienced was nothing short of miraculous. It was as if the veil between heaven and earth was pulled back, and Isaiah found himself in the heavenly realm, witnessing the worship service of heaven. 

In the utter holiness of God, the first thing Isaiah does is confess his sins. He felt totally unworthy to be in the presence of Almighty God. And he was—but God did for Isaiah what he couldn’t do for himself. He purified Isaiah from his sins with a coal from the heavenly altar. Then in the whirlwind of this heavenly worship service Isaiah hears God saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Without skipping a beat, Isaiah springs forward and says, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8).

Hold up! Didn't Isaiah just admit that he was a man of "unclean lips"? He did! So what happened? The transforming touch of God is what happened. Like Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19) or Peter at Pentecost (Acts 2), Isaiah went from a point of personal inadequacy to saying, "I’m ready. Put me in the game coach!"

Uncontainable Joy

When you have a life-transforming encounter with God it’s impossible to keep it to yourself. It's like trying to hold back a gigantic leaking dam with your bare hands. Take the Samaritan woman as an example. After meeting Jesus, her passion exploded as she told her entire village about the man who gave her living water (John 4:28-30). When you're filled with living water, you won’t be able to contain it, and it’s going to spill out on everyone around you. 

Answering the Call

The call Isaiah heard all those years ago still rings out today—"Whom shall I send?" Do you hear it? God is not necessarily calling theological scholars or "perfect" Christians. Here is what He does, He qualifies the called; He doesn't necessarily call the qualified (1 Corinthians 1:27-29). Your qualification comes from God's transformation in your life. Just like Isaiah, when you’ve been transformed by God, you’re ready. 

Let's Go!

If you’ve been radically changed by the power of God, it’s time for you to get out there! Once you’ve witnessed His glory, you've got everything you need to share that with the world. This week, take some time to listen for God's call. It might be to share your testimony with someone you work with, to serve someone in need, or to extend love to someone hurting. But trust me, when you’ve been transformed by God, "Here am I. Send me" is the only answer that will be resonating in your heart. So, are you ready? Let's go!