Better to Be a Seeker than a Wanderer

Jeremiah 29:13 (CSB)

You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.

You were created to be a seeker. Think about the natural curiosity of a child as they explore their surroundings, getting into everything. Why do they do that? Because God created them to be seekers. Our purpose in life—what gives us true fulfillment and identity is to know Christ and to be found in His presence (Psalm 73:25). Each new day, God wants to give us His mercies in refreshing ways to renew and fill our souls. Just as we read in Lamentations 3:22–23 (CSB), “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!”

So dear reader, seek God today! You may say, “But I have already found Him.” You must understand that Kingdom living is a life of seeking. Just as Jesus says in Matthew 6:33 (NLT), “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Notice that Jesus is saying that above all else, you must be a seeker. He didn’t say, “Seek the Kingdom until you find it.” The word for “seek” here in Greek is in the active imperative plural, which means it’s a non-stop, proactive work that Jesus is commanding us to undertake.

We read in the Old Testament book of Amos 5:4 (CSB), “For the Lord says to the house of Israel: Seek me and live!” Life, fulfillment, and your true identity are found in your pursuit of God. Pursuing God is not about a physical destination but about a constant stirring and a persistent yearning to know Him more. A deep desire to feel His presence and to mirror His image. This is a pursuit that begins in your mind but also involves your heart and spirit. It is a spiritual thirst that nothing in this world can quench, a hunger that no earthly food can satisfy.

If you really want to pursue God, then you must invite Him into every aspect of your life, not as a casual visitor but as a King who is reigning and ruling. It is to die to yourself, not in defeat but in love, knowing that you find true love in your position in Christ Jesus. Pursuing God means cultivating a heart of intimacy with God every moment of every day, not just to obey His laws or receive His protection, but to share in His very life and commune with Him in the deepest parts of your heart.

Why is it important to pursue God? Because you are called to go beyond your knowledge about Him to an intimate, profound, and very personal knowledge of Him. This is a dramatic shift from knowing about God, which can be impersonal and detached, to knowing God, which is deeply impactful, transformational, and relational.

You must keep in mind that the pursuit of God is not about earning His love, favor, or acceptance. If you are in Christ Jesus, God's love is already yours, freely given by the grace of God because of what Jesus has done for you through His death, burial, and resurrection. When this shift occurs in your heart and you pursue God as a response to that love and the desire to know and experience that love more fully, then you are sincerely pursuing God.

Allow me to lay this question at your feet: “Are you seeking God?” I encourage you to deeply think about that question. One thing is for certain: You're a seeker, but the question is, "What are you seeking?" The devil will try to convince you that there is no point in seeking God. He will try to disillusion your mind with times that you've tried and didn't feel any closer to God. But don't listen to his lies. Keep seeking. Even if you don't feel any closer at the end of the day. Just know that God created you to seek Him above all else. So don't give up; keep on pursuing, even when it's tough, because eventually you'll see His promises fulfilled. That is, you will find Him, and when you find Him, you will find your God given purpose and identity.