Healthy, Wealthy, and Apathetic  

Acts 17:32 (CSB)

When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some began to ridicule him, but others said, “We’d like to hear from you again about this.”

Have you ever wondered why God hasn't given you more? More money, success, comfort, influence, and so on? One of the most dangerous things that can happen spiritually is when someone experiences worldly success. Most people thrive spiritually in the struggle of life and become complacent when they prosper.

This sounds strange, especially in our culture, which sees health, wealth, and prosperity as the gold standard. Most people pray for all the good things in life and wonder why God sometimes holds back. What we don't realize is how some things that we think will make life enjoyable will, in reality, destroy us spiritually.

You must understand that when you face challenges in life, you will be exercising your spiritual muscles. It's just like when an athlete is training for a certain event, they struggle, sweat, and push their bodies to the limit, all to build their strength and endurance. The same is true for you spiritually; you need to be put under strain, pushed out of your comfort zone, and forced to grapple with the deep issues of life and faith. By doing this, you're building your spiritual muscles and endurance.

Consider this: There are all kinds of things in this world that will grab your attention, but the important question is: What really grabs your heart? What stirs you deep down in the depths of your soul?

The people in Athens back in Acts 17 had everything the world had to offer. They were extremely successful, smart, rich, and cultured, but there was a problem. They were comfortable, and their comfort led them to be blind to what really mattered.

When Paul brought the gospel message to the Athenians about repentance and resurrection, it did not grab their hearts. They found it intriguing and something that might be interesting to discuss and debate, but they did not see it as a profound truth that was life-transforming. They were like, “Meh, that’s kind of interesting; maybe we'll talk about it later.” But when someone is complacent, later never comes. The message of Jesus requires A strong response because it's a powerful message.

Apathy is very dangerous; it's sneaky; it's like a dark cloud that can come up behind you and hover over you, stealing your Kingdom passion and excitement. It can make you indifferent to the things that matter most. Apathy can turn your heart away from seeking first the Kingdom of God, which requires you to be self-disciplined and proactive every day. That requires grit and determination to push through your desire for comfort and ease.

Dear friends, let me remind you today that Jesus has resurrected and ascended to the right hand of God. He is the King of the Kingdom of God and is reigning and ruling from heaven over all those who choose to live under his Kingdom, authority rule here on earth. He is calling you to something greater than health, wealth, and prosperity. He is calling you to a life of purpose, identity, and passion. So don't let the warmth and comfort of this world and your flesh lull you to sleep. Wake up, resist the spirit of apathy, and pursue the life that God has purposed for you to live. Trust me, it will be worth the effort.