The Dangers of Sidestepping God’s Word

Exodus 5:18

Now get to work. No straw will be given to you, but you must produce the same quantity of bricks. 

There are some responsibilities in life that, if you choose to sidestep, sooner or later you will have to pay the price. Take dental care for example. If you decide to stop brushing and flossing, over time, you'll face painful problems. It isn't just about your teeth looking clean and your breath smelling fresh; it's about the decay taking place below the surface. Inevitably, tooth decay is going to become painful.

Likewise, when it comes to your spiritual life, God has given you His Word, which needs to be read daily. You need to allow it to go below the surface of your life and scrub out the dangerous thoughts and sins below the surface. But not only that. The Word of God is going to guide you into a life of purpose, joy, and eternal significance. Just as sidestepping proper dental hygiene leads to physical ailments, neglecting the Word of God has real, often severe consequences. So let's dive into the crucial importance of not bypassing the power of God's Word in your life.

Sidestepping the Word of God Backfires

In Exodus chapter 5, we find Moses and Aaron, who were God's prophets to the people. They had confronted Pharaoh with a command from God: “Let my people go” (Exodus 8:1). But when things didn't go as expected, the Israelite foreman sidestepped Moses and Aaron who represented God’s Word in their lives and went directly to Pharaoh. They were thinking a more “diplomatic” approach with Pharaoh might yield better results. But this wasn't the case, because Pharaoh responded to the foreman by making their work more strenuous (Exodus 5:18).

Don’t we do the same? Instead of following the Word of God, we rely on our feelings and what seems best in our own eyes. We seek the most diplomatic approach, and inevitably things worsen (Proverbs 16:25). Things begin to decay below the surface of our lives. As a result, the most important aspects of our spiritual lives, our understanding of our identity in Christ and our Kingdom purpose begin to weaken. Then we find that reading God’s Word becomes like a probing tool in the hands of the dentist; it becomes irritating and painful. And just as some people avoid the dentist, we begin to avoid the Word of God.

The Life-Transforming Power of the Word of God

The Word of God isn't simply a book, because a book is only words on a page. It’s different from all other books because it is living. Hebrews 4:12 (CSB) says it this way, “For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

That reaches to the very depths of your life and existence! No other book can do that. Do you want to know why? Because the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It holds authority over every element of your life and being. That’s why it can probe that deeply and transform you from the inside out.

Getting Out of a Bind

Friends, Kingdom living is not designed to be like walking through a complicated maze where you've been expected to navigate everything on your own. God has given you His Word for guidance to direct your way through this world as you seek first the Kingdom of God. If you choose to sidestep His instructions, you're not taking a shortcut; you're veering off the path that leads to spiritual life, identity, and eternal purpose.

You do realize you need life transformation, right? So be wary of any impulse to avoid or sidestep the challenging commands of Scripture. But rather, embrace them and see them as opportunities for life transformation. When you choose to honor God's Word, you honor God Himself. And in that obedience, you will find a clear understanding of your identity and Kingdom purpose.

If you ever find yourself in a bind, feeling like the Israelite foreman who had to make bricks without straw, remember that it's never too late to get back on track. Ask the Holy Spirit to grant repentance to your heart and mind (2 Timothy 2:25). Commit yourself to an increased discipline of Bible intake every day. When you increase your disciplines of devotion with your heart focused on communing with God, you will experience the joy and peace that only comes from Kingdom living.